WatchGuard Email Protection Integration with Microsoft 365

Deployment Overview

This document describes the steps to integrate WatchGuard Email Protection with Microsoft 365.


Platform and Software

The platform and software used in this integration include:

  • WatchGuard Email Protection administrative account
  • Microsoft 365
  • DNS Hosting provider

Integration Topology

This diagram shows the test topology for the WatchGuard Email Protection with Microsoft 365 integration, where Microsoft 365 Mail Server uses the domain

Topology diagram

Before You Begin

Before you begin these procedures, make sure that:

  • Microsoft 365 Mail Server MX/TXT records are added in the DNS hosting provider.
  • Microsoft 365 has added the domain (
  • Microsoft 365 Mail Server can send and receive mail using the domain (


Set Up the Inbound Email Traffic for Microsoft 365

Configure Email Protection

To configure Email Protection:

  1. Log in to Email Protection as an administrator.

Screenshot of the WatchGuard Email Protection scope selection

  1. From the Scope Selection drop-down list, select the company domain you want to configure Microsoft 365 as a destination server for.
  2. From the navigation menu, select Security Settings > Spam and Malware Protection.
    The Security Settings - Spam and Malware Protection page opens.

Screenshot of the Spam and Malware Protection settings

  1. Select the General Settings tab.
  2. From the Domain drop-down list, select the domain.
  3. From the Primary Environment Settings section, set the destination server of incoming email messages.
    1. Select IP/Hostname.
    2. In the Destination Server text box, type the destination server address of your Microsoft 365 environment. For steps to get the MX value, go to Get the Microsoft 365 MX and TXT Values.
  4. Enable IP Addresses of Relay Servers for Outgoing Emails.
  5. In the text box, type

Screenshot of the WEP configuration

  1. Clear the Restrict Email Sending to the Relay Server IP Addresses and Bounce Management (Recommended) check boxes.
  2. From the User Check section, select SMTP.
  3. Disable Alternative IP Address for User Check.
  4. Click Save.
  5. From the Email Filter Settings section, keep the default settings.

Update the Domain MX Record

When you add WatchGuard Email Protection servers to the MX record for your domain, you can route incoming email messages for your domain to WatchGuard servers. WatchGuard Email Protection servers then filter the email messages and forward them to Microsoft 365. This process takes place before the email messages reach your inbox.

In this example, we use the domain and the DNS hosting provider GoDaddy.

To update the MX record for your domain:

  1. Log in to your DNS hosting provider. Delete the original MX record.
    To identify the MX record from Microsoft 365, go to Get the Microsoft 365 MX and TXT Values.

Screenshot of the Microsoft 365 configuration

  1. Add the WatchGuard Email Protection MX records shown in WatchGuard Email Protection Server MX Records. We recommend that you add all the records with different priorities in each range.
    <domain.tld> is in this document

Screenshot of the Microsoft 365 configuration

Restrict the Inbound Email Traffic of Your Microsoft 365 Mailboxes

To prevent your Microsoft 365 environment from receiving unprocessed emails by our services, you must configure a connector for inbound email traffic. This connector ensures that only messages coming from our IP address range are accepted by Microsoft 365. Any email messages that do not originate from our IP address range are rejected.

To restrict the inbound email traffic of your Microsoft 365 mailboxes:

  1. Log in to Microsoft 365 admin center.
  2. From the navigation menu, select Exchange > Mail Flow > Connectors.
  3. Click Add a Connector.

Screenshot of the Microsoft 365 New connector page

  1. From the Connection From section, select Partner Organization.
    In the Connection To section, Office 365 is selected by default.
  2. Click Next.

Screenshot of the Microsoft 365 Connector name page

  1. In the Name text box, type the connector name. Click Next.

Screenshot of the Microsoft 365 Authenticating sent email page

  1. Select By Verifying That the Sender Domain Matches One of the Following Domains.
  2. In the text box, type *. Click +.
  3. Click Next.

Screenshot of the Microsoft 365 Security restrictions page

  1. Select the Reject Email Messages if They Aren't Sent Over TLS check box.
  2. Select the Reject Email Messages if They Aren't Sent from Within this IP Address Range check box.
  3. In the text box, type the WatchGuard Email Protection Servers IP Address Range.
  4. Customers in Canada must additionally enter the WatchGuard Email Protection Servers IP Address Range in Canada.
  5. Click Next.

Screenshot of the Microsoft 365 review connector details

  1. Click Create Connector.
  2. Click Done.

Screenshot of the Microsoft 365 Connectors page

Deactivate the Microsoft 365 Spam Filter for the Email Protection IP Address Range

If you want your incoming email messages filtered by our services, you must disable the Microsoft 365 spam filter. If you do not, the Microsoft 365 spam filter classifies incoming email messages to your domains as spam. Our services filter your incoming email messages for spam.

To deactivate the Microsoft 365 spam filter for the Email Protection IP address range:

  1. Log in to Microsoft 365 admin center.
  2. Select Security.
    The home page of Microsoft 365 Defender opens.
  3. From the navigate menu, select Email & Collaboration > Policies & Rules.

Screenshot of the Microsoft 365 Defender Policies and rules page

  1. Click Threat Policies.

Screenshot of the Microsoft 365 Threat policies page

  1. From the Policies section, click Anti-spam.

Screenshot of the Microsoft 365 Anti-spam policies page

  1. Click Connection Filter Policy (Default).

Screenshot of the Microsoft 365 Connection filter policy (default) dialog box

  1. Click Edit Connection Filter Policy.

Screenshot of the Microsoft 365 Connection filter policy (default) dialog box

  1. In the Always Allow Messages From the Following IP Addresses or Address Range: text box, type the WatchGuard Email Protection Servers IP Address Range.
  2. If the customer is in Canada, you must also include the WatchGuard Email Protection Servers IP Address Range in Canada.
  3. Click Save.

Set Up the Outbound Email Traffic for Microsoft 365

Update SPF Records

The Sender Policy Framework (SPF) records of your domains must point to Email Protection SPF records. This authorizes Email Protection to send email messages from your domain. Recipients outside your organization can use the SPF record to perform SPF checks on email messages from your domain.

In our example, we use the domain and the DNS hosting provider GoDaddy.

Add or edit the following SPF record v=spf1 ~all. It is appended after the Microsoft 365 TXT records. Go to Get the Microsoft 365 MX and TXT Values.

Screenshot of the Microsoft 365 configuration

We recommend you perform domain verification in Email Protection after GoDaddy configuration is complete.

To update the SPF record and verify the domain:

  1. Log in to Email Protection with your administrative credentials.
  2. From the Scope Selection drop-down list, select the company domain for which you want to configure Microsoft 365 as a destination server.
  3. From the navigation menu, select Customer Settings > Domains.
  4. Click Add Domain.
  5. In the Domain text box, type your domain.
  6. Screenshot of the Customer Settings - Domains page add domain

  7. Click Add.

Screenshot of the Customer Settings - Domains page trigger verification

  1. Next to the new domain, click >. Click Trigger Verification.

Activate the SPF Check

We recommend you activate the SPF check.

To activate the SPF check:

  1. Log in to WatchGuard Email Protection with your administrative credentials.
  2. From the Scope Selection drop-down list, select the company domain for which you want to configure Microsoft 365 as a destination server.
  3. From the navigation menu, select Security Settings > Email Authentication. Confirm the SPF status of the domain you just added.

Screenshot of the SPF check status

  1. From the Sender Authentication section, enable Activate SPF Check.
  2. Select For All Incoming Emails.

Create a Connector for the Outbound Email Traffic

To create a connector for the outbound email traffic:

  1. Log in to Microsoft 365 admin center.
  2. From the navigation menu, select Admin Centers > Exchange > Mail Flow > Connectors.
  3. Click Add a Connector.

Screenshot of the Microsoft 365 configuration New Connector page

  1. From the Connection From section, select Office 365.
  2. From the Connection To section, select Partner Organization.
  3. Click Next.

Screenshot of the Microsoft 365 configuration Connector Name page

  1. In Name text box, type the connector name.
  2. Click Next.

Screenshot of the Microsoft 365 configuration Use of Connector page

  1. Select Only When I Have a Transport Rule Set Up that Redirects Messages to This Connector.
  2. Click Next.

Screenshot of the Microsoft 365 configuration Routing page

  1. Select Route Email Through these Smart Hosts.
  2. In the text box, type the smart host Click +.
  3. We recommend the hostname cluster However, customers with a customized Control Panel can instead use the hostname cluster <domain.tld> where <domain.tld> is the company primary domain.

    For customers in the USA, the hostname cluster applies.

    For customers in Canada, the hostname cluster applies.

  4. Click Next.

Screenshot of the Microsoft 365 configuration Security restrictions page

  1. In the Security Restrictions page, keep the default settings.
  2. Click Next.

Screenshot of the Microsoft 365 configuration Validation email page

  1. In the text box, type the validation email. Click +.
  2. Click Validate.
  3. If the validation is successful, click Next.

Screenshot of the Microsoft 365 configuration Review connector page

  1. Click Create Connector.
  2. Click Done.

Screenshot of the Microsoft 365 configuration Connectors page

Manually Set Up a New Transport Rule

Create a rule to forward outgoing email messages to recipients outside of your organization. The outbound email traffic connector is applied to outgoing email messages to recipients outside of the organization.

To set up a new transport rule:

  1. Log in to Microsoft 365 admin center.
  2. From the navigation menu, select Admin Centers > Exchange > Mail Flow > Rules.
  3. Click Add a Rule.

Screenshot of the Microsoft 365 configuration Mail Flow Rules page

  1. Click Create a New Rule.

Screenshot of the Microsoft 365 configuration Set rule conditions page

  1. In Name text box, type the rule name.

Screenshot of the Microsoft 365 configuration Select recipient location dialog box

  1. From the Apply this Rule If drop-down list, select The Recipient > Is External/Internal > Outside the Organization >.
  2. Click Save.

Screenshot of the Microsoft 365 configuration Set rule conditions page

  1. From the Do the Following drop-down list, select Redirect the Message to > The Following Connector > Your Outbound Connector .
  2. Screenshot of the Microsoft 365 configuration transport rule settings page

    Screenshot of the Microsoft 365 configuration Select connector dialog box

  3. Click Save.
  4. Screenshot of the Microsoft 365 configuration Set rule conditions page

  5. Click Next.

Screenshot of the Microsoft 365 configuration Set rule settings page

  1. From the Set Rule Settings page, keep the default settings.
  2. Click Next.
  3. Click Finish.
  4. Click Done.
  5. Screenshot of the Microsoft 365 configuration Rules page

  6. From the Rules page, select the new rule.

Screenshot of the Microsoft 365 configuration Rule settings dialog box

  1. Enable the new rule.

Screenshot of the Microsoft 365 configuration Rule settings dialog box

Test the Integration

To test the integration:

  1. Send an email message from outside to the WatchGuard Email Protection protected mail server. (Inbound)
  2. Send an email message from the WatchGuard Email Protection protected mail server to outside. (Outbound)
  3. Verify that inbound and outbound mail sends and receives successfully.
  4. Verify that email messages appear in the Email Live Tracking page in WatchGuard Email Protection.
  5. Screenshot of the Email Live Tracking page

  6. Add a policy in WatchGuard Email Protection. For example, we added a deny list entry to deny email messages from the domain.
    For more information about deny and allow lists, go to Deny & Allow Lists in Email Protection Help.
  7. Verify that inbound mail is blocked by WatchGuard Email Protection according to the policy you create.
  8. Verify that outbound mail sends and receives successfully.
  9. Verify that the expected information appears in the Email Live Tracking in WatchGuard Email Protection.
  10. Screenshot of the Email Live Tracking page

Advanced Operations

Get the Microsoft 365 MX and TXT Values

To get the Microsoft 365 MX and TXT values:

  1. Log in to Microsoft 365 admin center.
  2. Select Settings > Domains > Your Domain Name > DNS records.
  3. Double-click MX.
  4. From the Points to Address or Value section, copy the MX record.

Screenshot of the Microsoft 365 configuration MX Record dialog box

  1. Select Settings > Domains > Your Domain Name > DNS Records.
  2. Double-click TXT. The Microsoft 365 TXT record displays. The Email Protection SPF record is appended after the Microsoft 365 TXT record in the GoDaddy configuration.

Screenshot of the Microsoft 365 configuration TXT dialog box

WatchGuard Email Protection Server MX Records


The MX records for customers in Europe are:

Domain Class Type Priority Email server
<domain.tld> IN MX 10
<domain.tld> IN MX 20
<domain.tld> IN MX 30
<domain.tld> IN MX 40

For customers of the DNS provider 1&1, these MX records apply instead:

Domain Class Type Priority Email server
<domain.tld> IN MX 10
<domain.tld> IN MX 20
<domain.tld> IN MX 30
<domain.tld> IN MX 40

United States

The MX records for customers in the US are:

Domain Class Type Priority Email server
<domain.tld> IN MX 10
<domain.tld> IN MX 20
<domain.tld> IN MX 30
<domain.tld> IN MX 40


The MX records for customers in Canada are:

Domain Class Type Priority Email server
<domain.tld> IN MX 10
<domain.tld> IN MX 20
<domain.tld> IN MX 30
<domain.tld> IN MX 40

IP Addresses of WatchGuard Email Protection Servers

WatchGuard Email Protection Servers IP Address Range      

WatchGuard Email Protection Servers IP Address Range in Canada